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Why Easter is a good time for team building activities

With Easter almost upon us, in most organisations there is a sense of excitement to enjoy an extra long weekend and some downtime with family and friends.

For productivity in workplaces, Easter can mean the opposite; a dip in staff efficiency, employees ‘winding down’, a decline in sales and a busy period following the break as the end of financial year looms.

That is why when the Easter break comes around, it is important to take advantage of this time from a team building perspective to lay the platform for a productive return to work.

I can honestly say from my experience in my own company Corporate Challenge Events and also delivering team building programs for thousands of clients around Australia and New Zealand that three reasons stand out why team bonding is important at Easter.


We have all been to a training course or seminar and left feeling energised and ready to change the world.

With the relaxation and energy that the Easter break can bring, a team bonding event is an ideal way to embrace these positive elements and set your team up for success.

Energy is important in all areas of life and, as we know, a more energised team will be more productive, creative and, importantly, happy.

A team bonding activity will give your company a positive injection when business may be quiet. Everyone will feel connected and clear about why they work for you, what they are trying to achieve for the months ahead, and how you will all get there together.

Prepare your team for EOFY

End of Financial Year (EOFY) is an important and busy time for most businesses in Australia and New Zealand.

It may be due to the finalising of accounts, budgeting for the next year, tax preparation, strategic planning, performance analysis or it’s a peak retail sales period.

With this additional demand on your business, there is a call on employees to be focused and ready for collaboration when returning from the Easter break.

Team building activities are great tool to invigorate teams when leading up to a busy period.

Here is another blog about team building for EOFY


We work a large portion of our lives, and how much better is it when we can have ‘fun’ and are encouraged to have ‘fun’ at work. During peak busy times, ‘having fun at work’ can often slide down the priority list. With Easter usually comes a decline in sales and therefore workload; which is why it is the ideal time to take advantage of employees open schedules and incorporate some fun into the company culture.

Fun can mean different things to different people, and that’s why team building is valuable. It is fun for all and can determine what a work environment of fun is for everyone.

There is substantial research on the value of fun in the workplace which I’ll leave for another blog. However in simple summary, fun creates positive morale and an enjoyable environment to operate in.

Here is another blog about Why it is important to have fun at work.

There you have three great reasons to surprise your team with a few fun and active team events. Make the most of Easter as a work team and also be sure to ask about any ‘Easter specials’ with your team building provider!

Mention this blog to enjoy a 10% discount on all team building programs delivered in April. Contact us today to find out more!